Monday, September 23, 2013

Weekly Update

I failed at everything this week....

Running goals for the week:
Run 3x (just Sunday, though I did run 2 courses...), Stretch before/after each run (didn't run, therefore didn't stretch) , Desk stretches at work (ah! one I did do, my shoulders are feeling more flexible everyday!) , 2x at home exercises (I think I've come to the realization that this just isn't going to happen), Run 10 min. straight during one of my weekday runs (nope)
House goals for the week:
Finish up trim in Dining room (nope)
I did do some stuff this week like:
I added an arbor to the front yard! 
I added decorative paper to the shoe shelf in my closet. As you can see the bottom shelf had some damage.  I found the pretty paper at Marshalls for 1.99 a roll, one roll covered a shelf with a little left over.  I still have 3 rolls of pink to use somewhere else.
Yesterday I went orienteering with my dad.  I did a yellow course and a white course.  I made some pretty big mistakes on yellow (like running right past the first control).  I need to stop making stupid mistakes and I need to work on my terrain reading skills before I move up to orange.  I'm having a hard time matching terrain on the map with what's in front of me on the go.  I know when I look at the map what I'm seeing and the same with I look at real life, but for some reason when I'm trying to do both I mess up.  I am getting better though.  I also won one of the drawings and came home with a new water bottle :)
Running goals for the week:
Run 3x, Stretch before/after each run, Desk stretches at work, Run 10 min. straight during one of my weekday runs
House goals for the week:
Do what I can, when I can

Budget goals for the week:  (I've decided I need to get back on track!  I've reserved my hotel and airplane for Disneyland, and now I just can stop making purchases...)

Bring lunch everyday, no purchases (outside of necessary things like food)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekly update

Running goals for last week:
Run 3x (done actual was 4!), Stretch before/after each run (eh...did some missed others), do desk stretches at work (done, boy have my shoulders gotten tight!) , 2x at home exercises (no, not at all opps)
House goals for last week:
Finish up trim in Dining room (I've painted the trim and will put it up tomorrow), pull weeds in back yard (nope)
I did get new curtains in the mail:
This afternoon I got the arm and calf sleeves I ordered!  Custom made, for the TinkerBell Half in January!!



Saturday was the Dulles Days 5k mom and I signed up for.  Mom wasn't feeling well Friday so decided not to run but still drove me (I love my mom!)  I woke up at 2:30am with an upset stomach and then proceeded to throw up Friday's dinner (too much info?)  I eventually fell back asleep at 3:30 and woke up at 5:45 to get ready.  I was feeling better but I decided to throw out my goal of under 30.  It was cold and crowded.  I ended up with 30:22, not bad for the morning's events.  I decided for my next race I'm starting last so I don't have to worry about crowds as much, you know give the field time to spread out.  (this will not by my strategy for Disney however)
Sunday I went orienteering with my dad after church.  I ran a yellow course in 41 min. and posted the fastest time (leaving out the 2 guys who did yellow as their 2nd course and weren't counted).  Dad wasn't back when I finished (he did blue) so I went out on white and did it in 21 min. White was my second course so the time didn't count. I did really well, I got turned around once on the yellow, but thankfully realized my mistake before it turned into a disaster. White was pretty much the second half of yellow so it was pretty easy for me since I had been everywhere before! I defiantly have lots of room for improvement and I'm still a little uncomfortable navigating too far away from trails (streams will do in a pinch)
I found another 10k to sign up for at the end of September, half the course is the same as the one I did a few weeks ago.  I think I will sign up and try to lower that PR again!  I think I can do it now that I'm getting my runs in more consistently.
Running goals for the week:
Run 3x, Stretch before/after each run, Desk stretches at work, 2x at home exercises, Run 10 min. straight during one of my weekday runs
House goals for the week:
Finish up trim in Dining room


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Cute outfit!

I got some new clothes this weekend, and felt so cute today in my new dress I just had to share

Ok, not the best's so cute though, navy blue with ivory piping around the collar and sleeves. 

And I had shoes to match!  I bought these a few months ago.  I love the wood heel and the peep toe.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekly update

So let's see how I did with last week's goals...
Running goals for the week:
·         3 runs (per Galloway’s training plan)
         Done :), and I actually started the training plan early.  I didn't realize that my plan and my mom's plan are different lengths (she isn't doing Tink, just using the plan)
·         3 days of at home exercises (arm, core, etc.) 
          Oh, I forgot about this goal!
House goals for the week;
·         Put trim up in dining room
I started!  I need more nails to finish. And I need to do some paint touch ups

Goals for next week:
Running goals for the week:
Run 3x, Stretch before/after each run, do desk stretches at work, 2x at home exercises
House goals for the week:
Finish up trim in Dining room, pull weeds in back yard
Mom and I have a 5k this Saturday and the airport, we get to run on the runway!  I'm hoping the flat straight course leads to a PR for me.  My current PR is 28, but I haven't gone under 30 in a few years so under 30 will make me a happy camper.
(I ran a PR at the 10k I did on 8/25! 1:01!) 
  For me these PR's, or I should say the drive to achieve these PR's, remind me of swimming.  For a long time my dream was under :30 for a 50 free, I was so happy when I did that I think even more than when I went lower; and then the dream to eat 1:00 in the 100 free...I never got it (fastest was 1:00 even)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tinkerbell, Dining Room

Tinkerbell ½ Marathon Training starts TODAY!

…and while we’re at it lets see if I can keep up this this blog thing.

Running goals for the week:

·         3 runs (per Galloway’s training plan)

·         3 days of at home exercises (arm, core, ect.)

House goals for the week;

·         Put trim up in dining room


I painted the dining room gray last week, and now I’m building up the trim.  There are tons of pins on Pinterest showing this.  Basically you leave the existing trim in place and put a small piece above it and paint it all the same color.

