How was 2014…..
An interesting year to say the least; to myself I call it
“the year of injuries.”
January-I remember it being very cold. I flew to California for the second time in my life and
ran the Tinkerbell Half Marathon. I had
great fun and didn’t run again (consistently) until April
February- April- Once again, very cold... I was suffering
from sciatica (really it started in December of 2013), I did physical therapy
for a while, then swim team started and I just couldn’t find the time
May – I think it was in May, I finally got fed up with my
job and quit. It was a long time coming
and I had spent probably a year saving up for the inevitable. I stayed on part time until August. At the end of May I decided to do another
thing I had been wanting to do forever…I dyed the underside of my hair pink, I
loved it and hope to do it again in the future (depends on my next job)
June-July – Swim team took over my life. I love those kids (all 150) like they are my
own, I can’t imagine a better way to spend my summers! Injury wise:
I smashed my right thumb several times at work (in a safe door, under a
heavy box), then I sliced the right thumb open putting knife away at home (the day
I was leaving for a wedding), then I broke my right thumb trying to loosen lane
lines at the pool.
August - November– With swim team over and no job, I gave
myself 2 weeks of vacation before starting to worry about the no job no money
problem. I had an application in for substitute teaching so I wasn’t too
worried. During my free time I had class
once a week, observed in a middle school classroom once a week, and studied for
the Praxis exam. Thankfully I had savings because it took until November before
I was finally approved to substitute teach, I started 2 days before
Thanksgiving break and right after my fall class ended.
October – Right in the beginning of the month I ended up in
the ER in severe pain, turns out a cyst was killing my ovary. I had surgery and am now down one ovary, but
God gives you two. I am cleared to do
anything now, but I’ve given myself until spring to start running again (and my
back which still gives me fits is thankful!)
December – I’ve been subbing pretty consistently, aside for
the last two weeks the school have had break.
I also fell in an orienteering race and pull a muscle (or something) in
my bad shoulder, so I have to get that to heal.
What’s up for 2015?
Running – As I said I’ve decided to start training again in
the spring. I am still doing
orienteering, but mostly I walk and try and focus on the navigation part.
Goals: Move up to
Brown in orienteering
PR in a
Run one
half marathon (looking like the Hersey Half in PA)
Fitness – I may not be running but I will be trying to stay
fit. I currently walk my mom’s dog on
the week days; her distance varies from 1.5-3.
I also received a 3 month pass to Gold’s Gym that I’ll be using.
Goals: Walk the dog every day that weather allows
Swim 3x
per week
Use the
fitness equipment 3x per week
School – I’m in my last class before I have to student
teach! I also need to pass the Praxis
exam to be placed. Hopefully next fall I
will be student teaching (or even better will be hired and do an internship
instead) In addition I’ve decided to take some fun classes through Coursera,
first up in Dinosaurs 101!
Goals : pass everything :)
Happy New Year!
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