Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Running in Character

I have nothing to write about right how about the evolution of my race costumes?

My first half marathon was the 2010 Princess 1/2 Marathon.  My favorite princess is Ariel, mostly because she swims and is a redhead.  I wanted to be Ariel, but not run in costume, so I decided on running clothes inspired by the mermaid. 

Green skirt to represent the tail, purple tank for the shell and I glued a tiara from the Disney store to my visor.  (I had to add the legging because it was freeeezzzing)
In 2011 I did the Princess 1/2 again (and the Disneyland 1/2 but I went with boring running clothes for that)  I wanted to dress as Ariel again, but this time in her town dress.
For this one I made the bow and cut the straps of a black tank to make the corset look.  Added with a blue top and darker skirt and you have town Ariel.
Princess 1/2 2013 I made the costume!  Yep made it (mostly).  I used 2 shirts from target in my desired color, a target skirt in an undesired color, and some gold fabric.  The hair is once again all mine :) Mom helped me out a lot with making this one, basically she pinned the pieces together (no pattern btw) and I sewed. Mom also sewed on all the trim pieces for me by hand.  (Isn't she wonderful?)
And for Tinkerbell 2014?  Nope not a fairy...It's everyone's favorite cowgirl:
I custom ordered the arm sleeves and calf sleeves.  I have a sleeveless collared shirt that I will be painting the top of to look like Jessie's shirt and I will be wearing running shorts under that denim skirt :) I'm also getting a red visor to wear.  I cut my long hair off in May (to donate), I'm hoping I have enough to put a braid.
Show me your race costumes! 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Let's call it interesting...

So It's been an interesting weekend....

Things started out tame enough, Saturday I worked a half day (which gets me all day Tuesday off!).  My best friend came in with her daughter while doing some errands.  Her daughter ran straight to my office and gave me a big hug!  I was so surprised, she is usually so shy (and I respect that being the same way!). 

I had planned to get a short run in after work but the weather was so icky I decided to go to Wal-Mart instead.  Wal-Mart is really crowded on Saturday afternoons, remind me not to do that again...

Sunday....I knew I had to get my long run in so I turned down Dad's offer to go to Prince William Forest to run.  That is more due to the fact that every time we go there I get car sick, very very car sick.  I should have gone.

At mile four I was on a small path that goes between soccer fields and the library parking lot, through a small section of woods.  There were two ladies and their three dogs on the path, they moved over and pulled in the leashes.  I stupidly keep running down the path.  I know to walk past dogs, and in every other situation like this have.  By the time I realized the one dog (a large black lab) was lunging and slowed to a walk my had was already in the dogs mouth.

Now I don't believe this was aggressive at all, and if the dog was dangerous the owner would have known to keep a stronger hold on the dog.  So please don't take this as an anti-dog post.  I'm more to blame than the dog.  I learned a lesson today, please you do the same.

I told the ladies I was ok, and there wasn't any broken skin so I thought I was.  It wasn't until I called my mom to come get me that I lost my cool.  I did go to the urgent care to get checked out, luckily there don't seem to be any broken bones. My had feels sore, but a lot better than it did this morning.

So no long run this weekend, but I have Tuesday off!  Also I don't think my ab workouts are going to happen for a few days....

Speaking of workouts:

39.09 miles so far this month!  The 3rd is a 10k race and an orienteering yellow course. The 9th was a course my dad made for me, cut short when I started hearing gun shots (from miles away at the marine base) and freaked myself out. The 10th is a yellow course and then a relay leg. The rest of the runs are on the road.

And that's the news...

Friday, November 15, 2013

New Fence!

I got a new fence!   (um...2 weeks ago...)
I had the gate move to the middle, and now the yard look a lot bigger.  The yard is still a mess from the construction though, maybe I'll work on that this weekend.

This is what it used to look like:

Sunday, November 3, 2013


So October ended badly for me.  I had a goal to run 50 miles in the month, it was a long month so I was positive I could complete my goal.  I would have too…if I had run the last 2 weeks.  I ended up with 35 miles. Time to reset and start over…

I have new goals for November, no mileage goal instead it just to get out there and move.  I will be running 3-4 times a week, on my non-running days I’m going to try to get 1-2 miles of walking in after work (with my headlamp, now that’s it’s dark before I leave work).  I’ve also started Juillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack video.  Now I have no intentions of trying to get myself a 6-pack; I just want a stronger core. I’ve done 2 days and MAN can I feel it! I plan on doing 2 days of the video and then a day off.

I had a great weekend.  I started running after my “break” with 5 miles on Saturday around the neighborhood.  The weather was great, which really helped.  I also saw a hawk on the trail, just snuck up on him

Sunday I decided to do 2 races (extra hour and all…).  First up: Run for the Parks 10k in DC with Mom.  No PR for me, but I had a great run.  I’ve been trying to run for longer periods of time (ultimate goal is to run a 5k without walk breaks).  I ran the 1st mile, ran/walk 1-2, ran 2-3, ran/walk 3-5, and ran 5-6.2.  I had some trouble with my calf the first half of the race (huge knot) and with my foot the last half (poorly placed tape pinching my pinky toe).  Overall I’m very happy with the race. 

After getting home from the 10k I headed out with Dad for an orienteering meet.  The race was about 30 min. away which allowed me to do both races.  If I hadn’t run the 10k I would have tried an orange course, but my legs were started to feel sore so I stuck to the shorter yellow.  The race was unusual as it wasn’t in the forest but at a horse farm.  The fields were open and you could see almost every feature (and controls) from far off.  I posted my fastest yellow time which made me happy.  I didn’t make any mistakes, which made me happier. 

Last weekend I made a fairly significant mistake on the course that cost me about 18 min. (the competitive side of me is also irritated that it cost me 1st place, I dropped to 7th, I’m trying to keep that side of me at bay by reminding it that I am still learning this sport) I was able to learn from the mistake though. Dad and I walked part of the course after the race, my errors originated from being tired and from missing an obvious map feature that would have told me I missed my control. Dad also told me to "bird watch" while running; meaning I should be scanning in front on the side AND behind me as I run, if I had done that I would have seen the control.  He also said to check every control I pass, even if I'm sure it isn't mine. I have a problem judging distance so that tip is actually really good for me, since the control usually is mine!  I almost made a mistake this weekend, but I took another look at the map features and realized my error before it cost me any time.  I call that a win! 

I’m really looking forward to next weekend!  Sunday Dad and I are going up to Pennsylvania to run in the Mid-Atlantic Championships.  My goals for that race: 1-finish, 2-match map features to terrain, 3-have fun!

Have a great week!!
